Validation of config and data (:mod:`fragmentmnp.validation`)
Provides config and input data validation for the FRAGMENT-MNP model
import numpy as np
from schema import Schema, Or, And, Optional
from ._errors import FMNPIncorrectDistributionLength
# The schema that particle size ranges should follow
particle_size_range_schema = And(Or((int, float), [int, float]),
And(lambda d: len(d) == 2,
error='particle_size_range must ' +
'be a length-2 iterable'))
def _is_positive_array(arr):
Check if arr is iterable and all elements
are positive
is_array = True
# Check it's iterable
_ = iter(arr)
# Check if any element is < 0
nparr = np.array(arr)
if np.any(nparr < 0.0):
is_array = False
except TypeError:
is_array = False
return is_array
# The schema that the config dict should follow
config_schema = Schema({
# There should be <= 100 size classes
'n_size_classes': And(int, lambda d: d <= 100),
# Size range should be a length-2 iterable of type int or float
Optional('particle_size_range'): particle_size_range_schema,
# Size classes should be a list of ints of floats
Optional('particle_size_classes'): And([Or(int, float)]),
# Timesteps should be an integer
'n_timesteps': int,
# Length of timesteps should be an integer (unit of seconds)
Optional('dt', default=1): int,
# How should the average k_diss provided be scaled across
# size classes?
default='constant'): lambda x: x in ('constant', 'surface_area'),
# What ODE solver method should be used? Should be one of
# those available in scipy.solve_ivp:
# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.solve_ivp.html
Optional('solver_method', default='RK45'): str,
# Error tolerances for the ODE solver
Optional('solver_atol', default=1e-6): Or(float, [float]),
Optional('solver_rtol', default=1e-3): float,
# Max step size for the ODE solver
Optional('solver_max_step', default=np.inf): float,
Optional('solver_t_eval', default='integer'): Or(_is_positive_array,
# The schema that the data dict should follow
data_schema = Schema({
# Initial concs must be a list and >= 0
'initial_concs': _is_positive_array,
# Density must either be a float/int and greater than 0
'density': And(Or(int, float), lambda x: x >= 0.0),
# k_frag must either be a float/int, or a list of floats/ints,
# and greater than 0
'k_frag': Or(And(Or(int, float), lambda x: x >= 0.0), _is_positive_array),
# theta1 (surface energy empirical parameter) must be a float or int
Optional('theta_1', default=0.0): Or(int, float),
# k_diss_tau (fragment time dependence) must be a float or int
Optional('k_frag_tau', default=0.0): Or(int, float),
# k_diss (dissolution) must be int or float
Optional('k_diss', default=0.0): Or(And(Or(int, float),
lambda x: x >= 0.0),
# k_diss_gamma is an empirical param that scales
# the affect of surface area on dissolution rates
Optional('k_diss_gamma', default=1.0): Or(int, float),
# fsd_beta is an empirical param that scales the depedence
# of the fragment size distribution on particle diameter d
# accordingly to d^beta. beta=0 means an equal split
Optional('fsd_beta', default=0.0): Or(int, float)
[docs]def validate_config(config: dict) -> dict:
Validate the given config dict against required schema
config : dict
Model config options
Validated config dict
# Run the validation, and return the validated dict
# if it passes
validated = Schema(config_schema).validate(config)
return validated
[docs]def validate_data(data: dict, config: dict) -> dict:
Validate the given data dict against required schema
data : dict
Model input data
Validated data dict
# Run the validation, and return the validated dict
# if it passes
validated = Schema(data_schema).validate(data)
# If k_frag isn't a scalar (i.e. we're not calculating
# a k_frag distribution interally), then check the
# provided distribution is the correct length
if not isinstance(validated['k_frag'], (int, float)):
if len(data['k_frag']) != config['n_size_classes']:
raise FMNPIncorrectDistributionLength(
'k_frag distribution provided in input data ' +
'is not the same length as particle size distribution. ' +
f'Expecting {config["n_size_classes"]}-length array. ' +
f'Received {len(data["k_frag"])}-length array.'
# If k_diss isn't a scalar (i.e. we're not calculating
# a k_diss distribution interally), then check the
# provided distribution is the correct length
if not isinstance(validated['k_diss'], (int, float)):
if len(data['k_diss']) != config['n_size_classes']:
raise FMNPIncorrectDistributionLength(
'k_diss distribution provided in input data ' +
'is not the same length as particle size distribution. ' +
f'Expecting {config["n_size_classes"]}-length array. ' +
f'Received {len(data["k_diss"])}-length array.'
# Check initial conc distribution is the correct length
if len(data['initial_concs']) != config['n_size_classes']:
raise FMNPIncorrectDistributionLength(
'initial_concs distribution provided in input data ' +
'is not the same length as particle size distribution. ' +
f'Expecting {config["n_size_classes"]}-length array. ' +
f'Received {len(data["initial_concs"])}-length array.'
# TODO extra validation here, e.g. check lengths are n_size_classes
return validated